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25. February 2024, 15:0016:30

  • Jacolene Rähm, IHK-certified fish sommelier and trainer, author and consultant
  • Patrick Schälte, retailer and fish sommelier, Fisch-Delikatessen Schälte 

On the question: How do you get good staff in specialist retail?

And how do you get people excited about fish? What binds people?

Interview with best-practice approaches Jacolene Rähm, fish sommelier and Patrick Schälte, retailer and fish sommelier


Jacolene Rähm, IHK-certified fish sommelier and trainer, author and consultant

Born in South Africa, Jacolene came to Germany 23 years ago and has since worked in various roles at fish counters such as EDEKA, Rewe and Frischeparadies, bringing them to life and inspiring employees with her enthusiasm for fish. Jacolene not only sees herself as an ambassador for fish, but also wants to be a professional and human role model for her staff. It is important to her that the specialist fish staff are able to provide customers with a high level of expertise and empathy when buying fish. Jacolene also sees communication at eye level and authentic appreciation of the staff as a key to success. Because she knows that increased sales at the fish counter depend on the motivation of the team! Jacolene is currently passing on her extensive experience in a “Fischmagazin” series on the subject of “Sales advice for the fish counter”.


Patrick Schälte, retailer and fish sommelier, Fisch-Delikatessen Schälte 

Owner of Fisch-Delikatessen Schälte for 25 years with 2 specialist fish stores in Solingen and Haan. The family business has existed in the third generation since 1928. Patrick Schälte is one of the first fish sommeliers and has always been committed to the training and further education of specialist staff. In his role as chairman of the ‘German specialist fish trade’ and the ‘Association for the Promotion of the German Specialist Fish Trade’, he has been committed to the industry for many years.





This event will be held in German. 


25. February 2024
15:00 – 16:30
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