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27. February 2024, 12:0013:00

Fish processing in Bremerhaven

Moderation: Alexander Wever, Founder and Owner, AWF Consulting 

Bremerhaven’s fishing port is the most important commercial area in the region, home to 400 companies and a workplace for around 9,000 employees. The site has a tradition of over 125 years. What was once exclusively a fishing industry is now a highly modern, heterogeneous industrial area with renowned research facilities and a popular tourist area. The fishing industry, which employs over 4,000 people, is still at the heart of the region. Sebastian Gregorius, Head of Marketing and Tourism at FBG, talks about the fishing industry in Bremerhaven and the future of the traditional fishing port of Bremerhaven.


Sebastian Gregorius, FBG Bremerhaven

Sebastian Gregorius started working for Fischereihafen Betriebsgesellschaft back in 1983 and was employed here until 1993 as a fish auctioneer, among other things. He then supported the economic development in Bremerhaven by participating in the conversion of a former industrial estate. US site before he oversaw the expansion of the tourist area Schaufenster Fischereihafen for FBG. Today he is head of marketing and tourism at FBG and honorary managing director of the advertising service of Seefischmarkt Bremerhaven e.V. (fish cooking studio) and the advertising association Schaufenster Fischereihafen GbR. Among other things, he is a member of the Tourism Committee of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and is involved in the climate cooperation CCF for the fishing port of Bremerhaven.


Alexander Wever, Founder and Owner, AWF Consulting 

The company founder and owner of AWF Consulting, Alexander Wever, has been working full-time in the fish/seafood sector for over 25 years, so that AWF Consulting has a wide-ranging, excellent professional network based on personal relationships. The exclusive specialization in the fish/seafood sector enables AWF to offer a breadth and depth of consulting services on this topic that is probably unique in the German-speaking world. This includes, in particular, the precise analysis of value chains and sales channels, the assessment of consumer preferences and complex calculation models for seafood. In addition to his consultancy work, Alexander Wever also represents national and international non-profit organizations in German-speaking countries such as the “Eel Initiative”, the “ESF Eel Stewardship Fund”, the “SEG Sustainable Eel Group” and the North American “Food Export USA Northeast”.


This event will be held in German. 


27. February 2024
12:00 – 13:00
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